Targa Files

The problem with failing to convert to Unicode was a bit hit and miss, sometimes it would and sometimes it wouldn’t. Now it seems to be getting it right.

Can you try loading TGA files from your C drive and see if it helps?

I’ve tested this and am not having an problems even when I have my documents on the D drive. But I am using XP. What version of Windows are you running? That could be the difference.


I have just upgraded from 4.24 to 5.0.5 and tried to work on the model I had started in 4.24. It converted the model, but ignored all the .tga texture files. It only used the .bmp texture files.

I tried loading the .tga files in the material editor and says they are all corrupt.

I went to PSP, and noted that I had ben producing compressed .tga files in the past. I re-saved one of the texture files as uncompressed, and started 3DC again, converting the model again, but it still would not load the .tga file.


I still have the problem with inverted translucency maps in 3DC 5.0.6; I make a *.bmp file from the mask and load it into 3DC. Only small tga files load their translucency map correctly.

Thanks. I have seen that with TGA files multiple layers of translucency can look odd and flicker when moving. But other than that I haven’t seen any problems on my end.


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