LOD in Rail Simulator Exporter

[BLOCKQUOTE class=’ip-ubbcode-quote’][div class=’ip-ubbcode-quote-title’]quote:[/div][div class=’ip-ubbcode-quote-content’]Originally posted by Bremen:
The first track has a visible LOD of 30m. A LOD over 30 is visually better but it’s an hammer for the poly count… [/div][/BLOCKQUOTE]

Good work!

The hammer is certainly due to the high polys in the bolt fastener system.

Did you try to reduce the number of polys by using the minimum of triangles in this bolt system and compensating with a 3D texture?

A small suggestion:
If the ties are made of wood, try to add a wood grain texture effect on the texture.

An idea of my track system:
Look at the wood texture


Getting back to your original post. When you created custom levels you made a copy of the model for each custom level and named the root group as in the tutorial, is that right? I believe that’s basically how they do it in Max. (making copies of models and removing parts, modifying parts for each successive level). But, I could be wrong about that.

From what I have seen so far, it could be:

1-� a copy of the model without some details that would not be visible at some distance.


2-� a different shape like in the case of shadow.

[b:2mbz7qd3]But the main disagreement is on the naming of the LODs.[/b:2mbz7qd3]

Instead of adding _LOD_X, it should be X_loddistance_name
loddistance is of course ex.: 0500

[b:2mbz7qd3]And the Bug is when we want 1_0500_name as custom LOD, we should get 1_0500_name in the IGS.

In an object, we could have:[/b:2mbz7qd3]


Hope this clarify.

[b:2mbz7qd3]NB.: I modified this post
<!– m –><a class="postlink" href="http://amabilis.com/forumattachments/a/tpc/f/50410947331/m/16…10444341#13510444341">http://amabilis.com/forumattachments/a/ … 3510444341</a><!– m –>
as I made a mistake like everybody could.[/b:2mbz7qd3]

I think I am finally understanding what you are saying.

The problem here is that I have misunderstood how Rail Simulator’s LODs work. I didn’t realize that a LOD level could have different distances within it. It’s actually a bit counter-intuitive (to me), but I understand why they do it.

So, based on that you are right, what you are suggesting is not currently possible with the exporter.

I personally like the way 3DC does the LODs since it’s much simpler for the user, but I understand that some people may want more control.

I’ll have to think about exactly what to do. I’ll probably add a check box to the Train Simulator Wizard that says ‘Preserve Naming’, so you can enter whatever you would like as a group name and have it preserved. That will give you full control as you wish.

I should mention that this is by group, not by object, so if you currently have a group where there are objects that are of different lod distances, the group will have to be split.

For example, if you have a group that contains an object that should be visible to 100 meters and one that should be visible to 400 meters, then you would have to give each their own group, and name the groups 1_0100_xxxx and 1_0400_xxx.

Also, you will have to manage the groups etc yourself. Meaning the various LODs will have to exist within the same location within 3DC. That’s totally possible, but it’s a bit tricky to work like that. I’m sure you’ll manage just fine.

Actually, there’s an easier way. I’ll look for the n_nnnn_ pattern. If it’s there, I won’t prefix lod information. That way you won’t need to use the wizard if you don’t want to.

[BLOCKQUOTE class=’ip-ubbcode-quote[/img]
[div class=’ip-ubbcode-quote-title[/img]
quote:[/div][div class=’ip-ubbcode-quote-content[/img]
A small suggestion:
If the ties are made of wood, try to add a wood grain texture effect on the texture. [/div][/BLOCKQUOTE]
100% Pure metal. My dear railroad is strange in many way <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>

[BLOCKQUOTE class=’ip-ubbcode-quote[/img]
[div class=’ip-ubbcode-quote-title[/img]
quote:[/div][div class=’ip-ubbcode-quote-content[/img]
Look at the wood texture [/div][/BLOCKQUOTE] So at the end i’m not the only one that wants real tracks <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –> Very good <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>

To test the rails with switches i have done this normal gauge track…

[BLOCKQUOTE class=’ip-ubbcode-quote[/img]
[div class=’ip-ubbcode-quote-title[/img]
quote:[/div][div class=’ip-ubbcode-quote-content[/img]
Actually, there’s an easier way. I’ll look for the n_nnnn_ pattern. If it’s there, I won’t prefix lod information. That way you won’t need to use the wizard if you don’t want to. [/div][/BLOCKQUOTE]Perfect <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>

[BLOCKQUOTE class=’ip-ubbcode-quote’][div class=’ip-ubbcode-quote-title’]quote:[/div][div class=’ip-ubbcode-quote-content’]Originally posted by Amabilis Support:
Actually, there’s an easier way. I’ll look for the n_nnnn_ pattern. If it’s there, I won’t prefix lod information. That way you won’t need to use the wizard if you don’t want to. [/div][/BLOCKQUOTE]

If I can use directly 1_0500_nameofobject for naming the object, I will very happy…no concern about conversion from tutorials of Rail Simulator. <!– s;) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!– s;) –>


Very good <!– s;) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!– s;) –>

About switches, did you see this post: [img:2hh7ckim]http&#58;//forums&#46;uktrainsim&#46;com/viewtopic&#46;php?p=933457#p933457[/img:2hh7ckim]
<!– m –><a class="postlink" href="http://forums.uktrainsim.com/viewtopic.php?p=933457#p933457">http://forums.uktrainsim.com/viewtopic. … 57#p933457</a><!– m –>

Could you help me on this topic of the Rail Simulator Forum: [img:2hh7ckim]http&#58;//www&#46;railsimulator&#46;com/en/node/1430[/img:2hh7ckim]
<!– m –><a class="postlink" href="http://www.railsimulator.com/en/node/1430">http://www.railsimulator.com/en/node/1430</a>&lt;!– m –>

As I have no answer from them.
An another reply could help.


[BLOCKQUOTE class=’ip-ubbcode-quote[/img]
[div class=’ip-ubbcode-quote-title[/img]
quote:[/div][div class=’ip-ubbcode-quote-content[/img]
Originally posted by Genesis_Man:
Could you help me on this topic of the Rail Simulator Forum: [img:1w1rrgse]http&#58;//www&#46;railsimulator&#46;com/en/node/1430[/img:1w1rrgse]
<!– m –><a class="postlink" href="http://www.railsimulator.com/en/node/1430">http://www.railsimulator.com/en/node/1430</a>&lt;!– m –>

As I have no answer from them.
I also had no answer on a post I made on their forum. Why did they open a forum for if the Railsimulator team doesn’t reply?

[BLOCKQUOTE class=’ip-ubbcode-quote[/img]
[div class=’ip-ubbcode-quote-title[/img]
quote:[/div][div class=’ip-ubbcode-quote-content[/img]
Could you help me on this topic of the Rail Simulator Forum: [img:1uf9d2mb]http&#58;//www&#46;railsimulator&#46;com/en/node/1430[/img:1uf9d2mb]
<!– m –><a class="postlink" href="http://www.railsimulator.com/en/node/1430">http://www.railsimulator.com/en/node/1430</a>&lt;!– m –>

As I have no answer from them.
An another reply could help. [/div][/BLOCKQUOTE]
I think that there isn’t a solution because the switches are done with only one piece and that piece is used with only one orientation. They have simplified to much the way a switch is done.
As now i have partialy solved the problem with a simmetrical texture… <!– s:roll: –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes" /><!– s:roll: –>

[BLOCKQUOTE class=’ip-ubbcode-quote[/img]
[div class=’ip-ubbcode-quote-title[/img]
quote:[/div][div class=’ip-ubbcode-quote-content[/img]
I also had no answer on a post I made on their forum. Why did they open a forum for if the Railsimulator team doesn’t reply? [/div][/BLOCKQUOTE] I’m waiting from the end of november to know if there is a way to do distant mountains…. i need them…

I made the change today to NOT change group names if they are already in Rail Simulator format. I’m going to call this ‘manual LODs’. It means that you would answer ‘no’ to creating LODs when exporting.


I couldn’t reproduce the problem you had with the Wizard. Can you send me a samples shoulding the problem? Can you see the problem in the Asset Editor, or just in the game?

I should mention that if you are using ‘manual lods’, where you name the groups yourself, you won’t be able to use the Wizard. You will need to export via the File menu. Also, you will have to make sure you either have the ‘Rail Sim’ custom group field blank or have it contain the group name you want (for example ‘1_0100_thing’).

If you use the Wizard even once on one of these ‘manual’ lod files, you may have to re-set some of the ‘Rail Sim’ custom group fields. The wizard uses them, and sets them as it sees as ‘appropriate’. Ultimately the wizard is for those who want ‘simple’ over ‘power’.

As for the Rail Simulator guys not answering things in the forums…

Usually forums are ‘peer to peer’ support forums. Or at least that’s what developers hope will happen. The developer only steps in when there is something that can’t be answered by a ‘peer’. And, depending on work load, sometimes developers don’t get to the forums often enough. Also, sometimes we just miss posts by mistake. Or we think it has been answered and it hasn’t etc.

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