Unrecoverable error #13 on IGS export (resolved)

Having downed tools on model making a few years ago I have recently decided to try improve some of my Railworks models. So I have recently installed 3DC 8 (initially 8.5 then the most recent 8.7). This is on an install of Vista 64 which had no previous versions of Canvas or Crafter installed. When I try to export (via the File, Export route) to igs format all goes well (choose file name, then yes or no to custom LODs) then an error window appears saying unrecoverable error (#13) and 3DC crashes out. This repeats consistantly, after restarting 3DC and rebooting my PC. The models were previously made in 7.1 and I was able to export them before by this same method as I have the models in Railworks already. Any ideas? I’m using Trainworks, by the way.


Stuart, can you locate and save the log file. This is usually a great help to locate problems.
It will be in the folder you keep your 3dc docs I should think.
Best way is to try the export again and then locate the log file after the crash and save it some place. ( A rename is as good) The file your looking for is called 3DC.log
I am not sure how often the log overwrites itself, hence the suggestion of another try at the export.

Thanks Peter. I have found the log file. It reports the following error:-

14/05/2011 | 08:57:54 | 52985 | Error #: 9 Error Description: Subscript out of range Error Location: 3DCrafter – Track01-Mainline-Final

after which it lists a load of pairs like the following:-

14/05/2011 | 21:28:41 | 394763 | Animation instance terminating
14/05/2011 | 21:28:41 | 394779 | Animation instance terminated

and finishes with:-

14/05/2011 | 08:57:54 | 53804 | CProcessor instance terminating
14/05/2011 | 08:57:54 | 53807 | CProcessor instance terminated

Looking at other lines in the file there appears to be some strange references:-

14/05/2011 | 08:57:21 | 20218 | Loading Map: SCEWrail-Rails01.BMP 0 0
14/05/2011 | 08:57:21 | 20341 | Loading Texture: SCEWrail-Rails01.BMP 0 False 0.5 512 512
14/05/2011 | 08:57:21 | 20344 | Loading Map: SCEWrail-BallastSleepers01.TGA 0 0
14/05/2011 | 08:57:21 | 20691 | Loading Texture: SCEWrail-BallastSleepers01.TGA 0 False 0.5 1024 1024
14/05/2011 | 08:57:21 | 20694 | Loading Map: SW_PlatWalls-01.BMP 0 0
14/05/2011 | 08:57:21 | 20697 | Load of Map Failed: SW_PlatWalls-01.BMP 0 0
14/05/2011 | 08:57:22 | 21480 | Loading Map: DSCF3186.JPG 0 0
14/05/2011 | 08:57:22 | 21484 | Load of Map Failed: DSCF3186.JPG 0 0

SCEWrail-Rails01.BMP and SCEWrail-BallastSleepers01.TGA are textures in the model, but SW_PlatWalls-01.BMP isn’t used in this model, but is a texture file from another model of mine whilst I have no idea what DSCF3186.JPG is! This two line above referencing this file repeat 13 times!

Any ideas?


did you use parts from another model in this one, as it would appear as if that part is still carrying the textures.
If you run the material manager plugin and locate the parts that have those two textures, you can remove them from there, if you so wish.
As for the error, I am prob the wrong person to solve that one, however I am always willing to look at your model and see if I can spot anything that sticks out as odd….

Well, it was some years ago that I first made this model so I can’t really recall if I used parts from another model, but possibly I did. As I have 3DC Trainworks I don’t have access to the material manager plugin. I have checked the textures used on each shape in the model (there are actually only 6), uncluding using the Swap Textures tool, and can only find references to the two texture files that should be there.

So I have tried reconstructing my model by exporting each part to to a 3DC object file, then starting a new model and importing each object back in. This goes OK to start with but each import includes a camara group as part of the scene, which when selected won’t allow itself to be deleted. It is an empty camara group though, not a camara object! Only thing I can do is to move the group out of the way into the main scene hererachy. By time I have imported all 6 objects I have to re-arrange the hererachy to give me my two LODs and then have 6 empty camara groups left over! Well guess what happens next. I go to export to igs and…. crash just as before with error #9. I had saved the project before exporting and guess what …. I can’t reload it, 3DC crashes when I try with an error #0!

I had really hoped that with all the rewriting 3DC has had between v7 and v8 that I would for once find modelling a fun thing again. No so so far.


ok stuart, there was a bug in the 3do export/import but that should been fixed in the latest release. Are you using the latest.
You can not have more then one camera per scene, and the export/import of 3do files was taking the camera with it.
Check you have the latest build.

Hi Peter. Thanks for hanging in with me on this. Your were right about not having the latest build, I was still on 1118, so I have updated to 1121. That has sorted the 3DO import issue so I have been able to rebuild my model and have now lost those odd texture references. However, I’m still unable to export to igs! I’m now getting a message saying I need unique names and should use the "Create Unique Names" plug-in. But I only have 6 shapes, in two groups to form 2 custom LODs, "Main" and "Main.0025". The shapes in each LOD need to be named the same, and this wasn’t a problem before. Worse, even if I do uniquely name all six parts it still gives the same message!

well as far as I know you can not have parts with the same name and I don’t think you ever could. I am not clear what you are doing, can you post a picture of the scene hererachy?

Well, as I can’t make any progress with my model I thought I would try using the Train Simulator Wizard to export rather than the Export to IGS option, and I’m having some success this way. However I can’t get my custom LODs to export. Done some searching and reading around the forums to see if others are suceeding with custom LODs for Railworks in the latest version of 3DC (I didn’t have problems with version 7). I’m sure the unique names issue is boiling down to values in the Rail Sim custom group field, but how do you access these values to change them? They are already in existance in the model as I can see them (and there are duplicate values here) using the Scene Details function. I’ve posted a reply in a recent relevant thread elsewhere so await a rely from the elusive "admin".

yes i saw that you had posted in the other thread, just a bit concerned that the problem may get missed as its in a 3dc problems resolved thread, and maybe missed sitting there.
So lets put a link here —- [url:rck1gnxe]http://amabilis.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&p=26156&sid=ff2dad44cd4d4c6eb165d77a85cd3b62#p26156[/url:rck1gnxe]

to draw attention to the fact there is still a prolem with LOD export as such…

Good thinking Peter, thanks.

I’ve done some more searching and have found a relevant post over at UKTrainsim

<!– m –><a class="postlink" href="http://forums.uktrainsim.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&amp;t=114446">http://forums.uktrainsim.com/viewtopic. … 8&amp;t=114446</a><!– m –>

Seems to me that if you open an old model from a previous 3DC version then there is the possibility that the custom fields can be incorrectly infilled. Not a problem before, but it is now. But I still can’t access the custom group fields to change them; I’m using Trainworks, not Pro, so maybe that’s the issue.

Pressumably you’re using 3DC Pro? Are you able to see the custom group fields in the component properties tab?


Can you send me the model? (<!– e –><a href="mailto:support2@amabilis.com">support2@amabilis.com</a><!– e –>) And, the textures and any tips I might need to reproduce it. Thanks.

Files e-mailed <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>

I’ve responded to your email.

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