A small update has been made to fix a couple of bugs with the bogie copy and disappearing wheels after a save.
V2.0 final version is now ready at the same link as above
A small update has been made to fix a couple of bugs with the bogie copy and disappearing wheels after a save.
V2.0 final version is now ready at the same link as above
I’ve been slowly working on a new version of this plugin…So far I have added load/save templates and saving of scale settings and a few other parameters.
I am also intending to combine the bogie wheel objects into one group instead of 2 per axle (improves efficiency)
Main wheels will stay as 2 for the moment.
I’ve searched the forums for other posts, but can’t seem to find many other ideas.
Does anyone have any thoughts on what else they would like to see?
e.g. build steam boiler/firebox/smokebox by entering a few parameters – probably a bit specific for the Engineer plugin which is intended for all types of rolling stock.
It is it possible to have a template for a diesel with a Bo-Bo configuration ?
This would be great and would plug a current gap.
With the new savable templates, you can build your own and publish them for others to use.
I’ll keep the default set as they are.
1) Thanks for doing the external template file… I really appreciate that. andnbsp;I’d like to see it like an INI file format where you set andquot;Variables = Valuesandquot; so that you have a full set of parameters (for reference) and ignore anything set to ZERO.
2) Maybe do a SPINE option for the middle object so the MAIN object is the center spine of models like tank cars and boxcars. andnbsp;Setting a spine radio button disables any wheels, bogies etc associated with the andquot;MIDDLEandquot;
3) Copy/mirror settings of Bogie 1 to Bogie 2?
(Can you tell I don’t do steam?) <!– s:-) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt="" title="Smile" /><!– s:-) –>
I’d like to have a bit more control of the block shapes – [i:395ln4z9]frame, solebar, bogie [/i:395ln4z9] – that the engineer creates (full input of size and position)
Would be really cool to have a way to select from a library of pre-built trucks for the Bogies/Wheels objects (at least for freight/passenger car creation)
Oh..yeah..sorry I missed the bit about saveable templates. What a fantastic idea Paul. This means that all types of engine configurations could be handled by MSTS Engineer 2.
Fantastic idea.
Hmmm… Spine is hard to explain.
When I create US rolling stock, I always use the andquot;coachandquot; template. andnbsp;I then have to delete a bunch of parts, since what I really need is a .5M wide .5M tall andnbsp;andquot;car lengthandquot; long cube that the 2 axle bogies attach to… I can take it from there. andnbsp;All I really need to specify for MIDDLE is how tall, how wide and how long the andquot;mainandquot; cube is. Nothing else is required for the middle.
Make sense?
Options would be OK if it could be saved with your andquot;templateandquot; files – then we could build and share a library of engine and freight car design primitives.
Your plug-ins are really helping to flatten the learning curve of 3DC for MSTS users. The more basic items that can be generated at start by selecting a template and editing dimension values the better.
Kevin Ingoldsby
Titusville, Florida
Another suggestion:
Put in the spotlights defining the lighting on the exact place. I admit, I never got it right within 3DC. The lights were always slightly different and quite often far from the lanterns glass. Now I measure the distances with a cube and put the lighting in manually in the *.eng file.
I assume one could put the lanterns in a group and at least defining the distance from the models center would be a great help. For one, two three up to four lights.
FLzing –
I was considering giving a bit more control over those objects. The original idea was to just let the user resize them once built.
I may add those parameters into the new options tab rather than make the normal tabs more complicated.
Pete –
1) I hadn’t done it like that since you can just load the template, change the parameters and save again so there was no real need. Though it’s probably not too hard to change.
2) can you give an example of a spine? I’m not quite sure what you’re after there.
3) good idea – I’ll add that
If it’s not to complicated maybe we could get rid of the flashing wheels effect without extra creasing? The crease all plugin doesn’t seem to work on the wheels.
When I create US rolling stock, I always use the andquot;coachandquot; template. I then have to delete a bunch of parts, since what I really need is a .5M wide .5M tall andquot;car lengthandquot; long cube that the 2 axle bogies attach to… I can take it from there. All I really need to specify for MIDDLE is how tall, how wide and how long the andquot;mainandquot; cube is. Nothing else is required for the middle.
Make sense?
Like Pete sez – that’s basically what I was suggesting.
got it Pete – basically if I give you control over the main box as Kevin was suggesting that should do the trick.
I’ll have another go at trying to fix the wheel flashing – in my latest version which combines front and rear faces, it is now only the flange objects that flashes – it may be a 3DC andquot;bugandquot;
Spotlights could probably be another small plugin.
MSTS Engineer Beta Version 2.0 is available for testing!
Two version for 3DC 5.7 and 6.0.11 are at:
<!– m –><a class="postlink" href="http://www31.brinkster.com/decapod/plugins601.htm">http://www31.brinkster.com/decapod/plugins601.htm</a><!– m –>
The usual instructions apply – see help text for what has changed
Please give it a bit of a test as some of the new options may be unreliable.
Exchanging templates between European and US/UK locales may not work… but otherwise you can now exchange or set up a library of templates.
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