August 17, 2005
at 4:35 pm /
Thanks for the reply. A recent post over at 3DTrains about missing wheelsets lead me to check the .wag file. Sure enough, the ‘wheelradius’ line was missing. Sadly I did not think of looking in the .wag file as I thought it was more of a shape file or texture issue. Guess that is what I get for thinking. <!– s:P –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt="" title="Razz" /><!– s:P –>
August 17, 2005
at 4:35 pm /
I have a problem of wheelsets not showing up in a model after exporting it to MSTS. I originally posted a messege at 3DTrains that give more details about the problem and the way the model is set up:
<!– m –><a class="postlink" href="…9b936e9ae87f1bdc24d4"> … 7f1bdc24d4</a><!– m –>
While I have rebuilt the wheelsets from scratch and replied textures with no success, at this time I have not rebuilt the trucks yet. Was wondering if someone here might have a clue as to what might be going on. I have also checked as much as I can in the sim to see if maybe the wheelsets were simply out of place, but could not find them.
Thanks in advance!
August 29, 2005
at 1:07 am /
Check and re-check the wheel sizes in the ENG file. If the units are wrong in any way the wheels will not appear.