couple or 3 new problems

well I have a couple or 3 new problems, some how my model has renamed the Bo01 and Bo01Wh01 etc etc to wheels and bogies again.
Also my bogies have turned this shade of green yuck
[attachment=1:2wdhgwz4]<!– ia1 –>Clipboard01.jpg<!– ia1 –>[/attachment:2wdhgwz4]

and another error I am now getting is the following error if I leave 3dc running and go off to railworks to check or run something.[attachment=0:2wdhgwz4]<!– ia0 –>error.jpg<!– ia0 –>[/attachment:2wdhgwz4]

anyone able to help me with either these please, to say I am ripping my hair out would be a understatement….

Can you send me the model? (<!– e –><a href=""></a><!– e –>) I’ll need the textures too.

ok I think the texture problems would have been my doing, having had a 6mth rest, I screwed something someplace.
However I still get that error if I leave 3dc and go off to run Railworks.
Automation error.

I’ve never managed to figure that error out. Sometimes it isn’t a problem other times it is.

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