Assigning the same x, y or Z value to a set of points in a one go

I work with detailed engineering drawings and rather then positioning points by eye, I calculate them and use insert x, y, z values directly into the points. However, I often need to set the same value into a set of points, and it’s a bit tedious having to open up each one in turn. It would be nice to be able to select a set of points (not just a single point), and be able to apply a value to one or more axis values, in one go, Even better would be the ability to select a set of points and command all of them to copy the x, y and/or z value from the first selected pooint. It would be similar to the equalize button, but instead of averaging the axis values of the entire set, it would set them all to the value of the first point. This would save me a lot of time!

Yeah – concur – honestly – averaging points was never the best – \”equalize\” should definately have the option similiar to weld – where the first selecet point is not moved and the rest are brought in line with it…


I wonder if 3DC is still being developed, or is 9.2.2. going to be the last ever build? It would be a pity if improvements like this never get put into a build. I’d be willing to pay a reasonable fee to upgrade.

Yeah – the future is not looking too bright at the moment… It’s a shame – I’ve gotten people to purchase 3DC over the years and they love the interface… It’s so much better than GMAX or Blender… I hope Richard pops up one of these days…


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