9.04 Wrong texture on shape after Auto-Unwrap (resolved)

There is a wrong texture on the shape after using Auto-Uwrap.

This is the texture that is shown on the shape after using Auto-Unwrap.


This is the texture that is saved after Auto-Unwrap.
I think this one should be on the shape. At least thats how it worked in 9.0.3.


Also, would it be possible to save the Unwrap without the checkerd background ?



I can’t manage to reproduce this one. Any tips? Maybe I need the shape in order to reproduce it (<!– e –><a href="mailto:suppor2@ambilis.com">suppor2@ambilis.com</a><!– e –>)

I think I know what is going on.
I named the texture “Test.bmp”
Somewhere in my 3dc models folder structure there is another texture, also named “Test.bmp”

That texture is shown on the model, instead of the just created texture.



That make sense. I’ve had something like that happen one time. I should make sure that 3DC looks for textures stored with the model before looking at other locations.

I forgot to mention something. If you don’t want the grid, you can create an all white texture in advance, and choose to &quot;add to texture&quot;.

yes I have sort of the same problem, I am doing some testing with primarynumber textures to change wagon colours etc, which seems doable. However Everytime I go back to a earlier model the newer primarynumber texture is applied, even tho it is not in any folder close to the model.
I should point out the Primarynumber texture is from the auto unwrap function.

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