3DCrafter9 question. (resolved)

ok, was running the Tutorials and came across so,ething I am not sure is right, In the shape unwrap section it says
Each of the points of the cylinder top is represented by a green texture coordinate handle. But I have no handles…?[attachment=0:3t0yup3f]<!– ia0 –>Clipboard01.jpg<!– ia0 –>[/attachment:3t0yup3f]

Sorry. That tutorial is going to need updating due to the changes in Unwrap. It’s like in Face/edge/point mode. Just hover near a point and it will appear.

Also, I’ve come across some bugs in the updated Unwrap. A fix is coming.

I’ve made some improvements, but there is still work to be done on the help files. I’ll be updating them gradually over the coming days/weeks.

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