3DC 825:Cannot make LODs in bogies/prefix changed (resolved)

|__ bo01wh01
| |__ shapes
|__ bo01wh02
| |__ shapes
|__ 2_1200_bo01
| |__ shapes
|__ shapes[/code:225eruj8]

|__ 1_0100_bo01wh01
| |__ shapes
|__ 1_0100_bo01wh02
| |__ shapes
|__ 2_1200_bo01
| |__ shapes
|__ shapes


I’m using the "no distance levels" option in the exporter (So I can specify lods in the group names, otherwise 1_1000_ is automatically added).
I tried to have some LOD in the bogies but I couldn’t make it work: with the above hierarchies, bogies and other objects disappear .

As soon as the 2_1200_bo01 hierarchy is removed, bogies and missing objects are back.

Example in attached image. Furthermore, in this example, the exporter shouldn’t have changed the 1_0100_ prefix into 1_1000_.

I’m a bit hazy on this. It’s been a while since I worked on it. This is exporting via the File menu, correct?

I guess I’ll need the file to have any chance of figuring it out.

I always export using the train simulator wizard plugin.

There are 2 problems here, [b:11bfwnom]using "no distance levels" option[/b:11bfwnom]:
1) If I prefix bogie objects with LOD information (like 1_0100_ ), it should not be changed. This behaviour works properly for non bogie objects.
2) Whatever I do (add prefix or not), the level2 LOD is not exported properly or not exported at all and many objects, not just the bogie objects, are not exported.

I’ll see what I can send as a model.

I send a model close to the one I’m using.

You’ll see that bo01 and bo02 don’t export the same way.

Ok, so what I see is that group "2_1200_bo01" has a RailSim custom field value of "bo01". That’s almost certainly the cause. 3DC sees that group has a custom field value, uses that, prefixing "1_", which is how it’s supposed to work when a group doesn’t begin with a number.

When I removed "bo01" the export worked properly (I only checked the bogies).

"DOM107":3g6c8z4x wrote:
I always export using the train simulator wizard plugin.
1) If I prefix bogie objects with LOD information (like 1_0100_ ), it should not be changed. This behaviour works properly for non bogie objects.
… From your remark, this doesn’t work if a RailSim custom field value is found.

I’ll check how pantographs are exported as they also have an explicit LOD prefix.

I seems to me that the rule for the "no distance levels" option should not have exceptions (Once a LOD prefix is found, the group name should not be changed whatever name is following the prefix).

Update: I’m wondering how RW2 will handle "2_1200_newName" as it’s not a bogie object once bo01 has been removed.

If there is a value for the RailSim field it will always override the group name. You can use the group name instead by simply removing this value from the group’s RailSim field. This is easy for you to fix. In this case, just change the group options "RailSim" field to blank.

As far as I know, the IGS export must have "1_" when no distance indicator is detected on your group name (or in this case the value of the RailSim field). This is true even when "no distance levels" is specified, because as far as I know Rail Simulator requires it. But, this is moot anyhow since the resolution is simply to clear the RailSim field value for that particular group.

I’ll move this to the "fixed" forum shortly.

Rethinking about this:

When I specify 1_0100_bo01 (so top level LOD), I’m expecting that the exporter doesn’t change the value of the prefix (1_1000 is far too much when I want too also specify a LOD2 level).

It will not change it, unless you override this value by specifying a value for the group’s "RailSim" field. The "Rail Sim" value always take precidence over the name of the group, which is entirely intentional in order to permit export the same model to multiple simulators.

Eventually, what is correct is:

|__ bo01wh01
| |__ shapes
|__ bo01wh02
| |__ shapes
|__ 2_1200_notakeyword
| |__ shapes
|__ shapes[/code:2rczd9aj]

|__ 1_0100_bo01wh01
| |__ shapes
|__ 1_0100_bo01wh02
| |__ shapes
|__ 2_1200_notakeyword
| |__ shapes
|__ shapes


Yes, I think so. That looks right, to me.

It doesn’t work.

I tried (see attached imge):
|__ 1_0032_bo01wh01
| |__ shapes
|__ 1_0032_bo01wh02
| |__ shapes
|__ 2_1200_Object
| |__ shapes
|__ shapes
The prefix was changed to 1_1000, group 2_1200 is not in one bogie and no bogie object is visible in asset editor preview.

And from the RW2 documentation, what is expected is:

|__ 1_0032_bo01wh01
| |__ shapes
|__ 1_0032_bo01wh02
| |__ shapes
|__ 2_1200_bo01
| |__ shapes
|__ shapes
( 2_1200_bo01 not 2_1200_Object)

To see that it is wrong, I’d need to see what was set for the "RailSim" field for that group. Attached is what I see via "Scene Details". If you changed the group name without changing the RailSim field, and assumed it was going to use the new group name, then you would get unexpected results. Better to use the RailSim field and not use the group names.

I don’t understand "changing the RailSim field".

The only settings I know are the custom keywords in the properties menu (to declare RailSimX, Tx Alpha, etc…).

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