Hierarchy Overview

A 3DCrafter scene is made up of a hierarchy of groups. Groups in 3DCrafter are much like folders are in Windows. They are used to organize a scene, as folders are used to organize a hard drive in Windows. A group can contain scene components and other groups just as a Windows folder can contain files and other folders. Groups and components can be moved within the Scene Hierarchy much like you would move folders and files with Windows.

When you select and drag a scene component, you are not dragging the component, but its group. This results in any groups or components contained within the group being moved also. If you rotate a component, you are not rotating the component itself, but its group. This behaviour of groups is very useful since it permits the creation of complex shapes made up of many parts that behave as a single shape.

When you select a shape does its axis, displayed as a small yellow box, becomes visible.

If you need to adjust the position of a shape within its group rather than the group itself, the Shift tool is provided. This tool is often used to produce shapes that rotate about a point other than the shape's center.

The Hierarchy Panel

The Hierarchy Panel displays the scene hierarchy. It also permits the hierarchy of the scene to be modified.

The Hierarchy Panel is displayed by selecting the Hierarchy tab of the Properties and Information panel.

Groups and Scene components may be moved within the hierarchy by dragging and dropping them onto a new group. They may also be renamed as appropriate.

Clicking on a shape, light, or camera in the hierarchy results in that item being selected with the scene. Conversely, clicking on an item within the scene will select that item in the Hierarchy.

3DCrafter's drag and drop features apply to the Scene Hierarchy as well as the Scene. If you want, you can drag and drop a primitive, light, or other shape directly on to the Scene Hierarchy Panel.

The Components menu is available by right-clicking on a scene component.


A group may contain a shape and any number of other groups. If a group is moved, all of its child groups are moved also.


A shape created from primitives, the shape building tools, or a predefined shape.


A Bone component.

Icon-Skin.gif (88 bytes) Skin

A shape that has been attached to bones as a skin.


A Light component.


There is a single Animation Camera shape within a scene. It is this camera's view that you will see if you record an animation.