Windows ‘GLASS’ help please.

Don’t know about TSW: I still can’t use the Trainsimwizard with textures, because I have the old problem with tga files in 5.5, too. I have to use an extra bmp for the alpha channel, tga shows most of the time inverted. On rare occasions it works correctly but I didn’t find out why!

Can someone help me with this problem please.

I am trying to get my windows on a locomotive to appear
as though they are glass. I have followed the tut’s in the
help files for 3DC, but I still don’t see a difference. I have also
tried using different settings in my texture maps, but they
are either see through, or not see through at all, can’t seem
to find a happy medium.

Heres what I’ve tried so far.

High lighted the faces that contain the Alpha layer in my
texture maps and used the andquot;Update Matandquot; plugin in 3DC.

Also tried changing the color level in my paint program in the
Alpha channel.

Anyone know of anything else to try?


What switch did you use with makeace? You must not use -trans or -bmp.

Have you tried putting a light grey fill in your window texture (not alpha map) – when combined with a 50% opacity in your alpha map this will appear ‘misty’.

I’m not sure about the exact amounts of opacity to use – you need to experiment.

You might want to try a motion blur at an angle too in your light grey fill – this will give the effect of glass.

Experiment though – it’s the only way to get a result you’re happy with!!


What switch does the Train Sim Wizard use? This is what I have used to convert my textures.


The Train Sim Wizard looks at how you use the texture and sets the makeace flag appropriately. andnbsp;Or at least it did in my tests.


Don’t know about that. I use tgaTool for conversion and there you’d have to use the export for alpha not trans, tgaTool has a very good compression rate I think, too.

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