why no one on 3dc Chat

I occasionally take a look during my lunch break (UK time), I’ve not seen anyone there recently.

On the old system I managed a few chats with another Paul and Athas in Malta(?)


every time i go on the forum and go to
<!– m –><a class="postlink" href="http://amabilis.com/eve/chat">http://amabilis.com/eve/chat</a>&lt;!– m –>

no one is there. but i know that many persons are there when i’m online


The first few days it was up I was in there anytime I was around the computer. However, the only person I saw come in was Paul and I missed him anyways. After that I just stopped sitting in there with no one around. I do however check the room when I read the forums to see if anyone is in there. It would be nice to actually chat in real-time with other 3DC users.

Time zones differences are a bit of a killer for me. Living in the bottom half of the globe, means by the time I get to log on at night after work, its very early in the morning for the majority of users in the Northern Hemisphere. <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>

Yep Time zone a real problem for chatting

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