Using 3DC for Dark Basic

yup its the same allbeit a little late for my reply.

I must visit here more often.

The reason that I knew about 3DC was because I followed the link from the Dark Basic web site to the amabilis site. However, now that I’ve purchased both Dark Basic and 3DC, I’m not seeing much talk about using these two programs in conjunction with each other. My main reason for using 3DC is to use it as a development tool with the compiler.

Can we have a DarkBasic compatable mode in 3DC that will only allow my work to be compatable with Dark Basic and Dark Basic Pro?

Maybe a little script that turns off uncompatible functions and an exporter module that creates objects that are properly built for the DB DB/Pro importer modules?

It’s possible that Mike is wrong, or it could be that he hasn’t looked at version 5.6’s export. Check the DirectX viewer available with the DirectX SDK.

BTW, 3DC is a native andquot;Xandquot; modeller. I would be very skeptical if you could find one that is more compatible with the X format since internally 3DC uses the andquot;Xandquot; format (Direct3D Retained Mode) as its storage structure.


This is how I found 3DC.
I wish I’d chosen a more compatible modeller now. Since day 1 I’ve had nothing but compatiblility problems with .x animations, texture wraps, and now.. in DB Pro I’m not able to load a boned model.
Mike of the DB team says it’s the exporter that’s not doing it’s job properly, as there’s nothing wrong with DB Pro.

Thanks for the FYI.
You maybe right, the problems I’ve had with DB in the past, others don’t seem to have them though.
I will let Mike know about what you’ve said, DB Pro is still in development so hopfully he can resolve this if you are sure there’s nothing wrong with 3DC. (Unless it’s just my copy which is screwed up somehow)

The Direct X SDK? – Please tell me about this, I’ve not heard of it. If I can load it into this then surely I can at least proove where the problem lies.
Thanks for your help.

After using Dark Basic for a while, I’ve noticed that my computer crashes after I’ve compiled and run a couple of different programs quickly. I’m sure that Dark Basic isn’t perfect as Mike seems to be suggesting. However, bug squashing is a large part of the software development process.

Not to get into a flame session or anything, but I’ve noticed that blitz basic is much more stable on my computer system. I think I’ve only crashed it about 3 times, where as I crash dark basic on a regular basis.

My suggestion is wait until DB Pro has been tried and tested for a while, stability issues will most likely be a source of frustration for early users.

Good luck with your efforts D_Akuma,



You might find what you are after at –

<!– m –><a class="postlink" href=""></a>&lt;!– m –>

under the andquot;graphics and multimediaandquot; / andquot;direct xandquot; menus

Many thanks.
I’ve heard that Blitz is more stable, but then it’s more expensive and I’ve no interest in learning it right now, I just want the problem I’m having to be fixed.
Mike sounded like he was pretty sure of his system being alright, and I have had the odd crash in 3DC when exporting. The Ming model won’t export at all.
Oh well, I’m off to try that SDK thing, and I’ll let you know.

:-[ sorry – I just did a quick searh and that is where I was pointed ….

I take it you have seen Richards comments in another post about mview ? (hope what yoe need is somewhere in your downloads)


Heh! ;D
I was trying hard to delete my post after Richard answered the question on another thread, to save wasting peoples’ time.
Didn’t quite get it quick enough! -Darn. ::)

dont forget any DB users that [img:z5ow0i8l]http&#58;//www&#46;cazzer&#46;com[/img:z5ow0i8l]
<!– m –><a class="postlink" href=""></a>&lt;!– m –>
is a great blend of DB and 3DC in a tutorial for human modelling <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>

Hey, is that the same indi from the DB forums?
-Hi, if so.
Thanx 4 the link, <!– s;) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!– s;) –> although it’s only for jointed models, and I’ve done away with them now DBPro is on the horizon. 8)

Hi Indi… Nice seeing ya here. <!– s:D –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!– s:D –>

Well, I have found that 3DC is better than Milkshape, and I have never had a prob with saving in ‘X’ format, so it could be your system.


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