Track_cap What’s the secret?

sorted thanks, the answers are on these forums but can take a long time to find



I’ve asked this elsewhere but I feel the need to ask here. I am trying to generate a junction but no matter what combination I try I cannot get my track or ballast to show up in RS. I do get the supersleeper texture to display as I expect it to do but nothing else. Here is a screen capture of the latest of many configurations. Shader is LoftTexDiff.fx and the texture is 1024×512 with just over half for ballast and the rest for the track texture.


The exported result is this…


This is by no means the only way I’ve tried to export this. Any help will be greatly appreciated.


I think there is a bug in the Cap file for Railsimulator.
The naming of the Ballast and the Rail MUST be with a Capital B and R
I have read in a post somewhere that the new exporter of Paul Gausden converts al the group names to lower case, a quick test showed that this was indeed the case.
A cap file exported with the new exporter did not show up in Railsimulator, the same cap file exported with the old exporter did show up again.
So try to export with the old exporter (not the wizzard) and see if that helps.

By the way, this hierarchy works for me.



Thank you so much! That was the answer. I used the old version and after working out a issue or two with texture, it exported just fine. Definitely much better. Thank you to all who’ve helped with this.

Edit: Paul very quickly has generated an update that I can confirm works fine.

hi, been on a couple of days trying to get my track model in to the sim butt still having no luck, have created the models from scratch with 3DC 7.1.2, have downloaded the latest trainworks plug-in also, i have made a few shots showing the process i have created them, i have my buffers and sleepers in game now so just need to sort the junction and i’m sorted

[b:1x3s7m2i][i:1x3s7m2i]First off i used the extrude tool to create the ballast model[/i:1x3s7m2i][/b:1x3s7m2i]


[b:1x3s7m2i][i:1x3s7m2i]i then made the rail model in the same way as i created the ballast, objects were then textured and mapped[/i:1x3s7m2i][/b:1x3s7m2i]


[b:1x3s7m2i][i:1x3s7m2i]the file was then exported, i selected the ballast model, clicked ‘file/export/trainworks/.IGS, i named the file ‘TrackCap’ and clicked no for the create LOD’s option and re-exported the blueprint[/i:1x3s7m2i][/b:1x3s7m2i]


[b:1x3s7m2i][i:1x3s7m2i]and as you can see still no result[/i:1x3s7m2i][/b:1x3s7m2i]


i hope someone can see a problem in these pictures as i’ve been on most of the past two days trying different things hoping to sort this



forget it i found the answer in another thread



well can you please either link to the thread with the answer, or just post it here so we can all know…


was this post here, basically i had names in the rail sim part of the properties window, a big no no

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Thanks Gav, that is wonderful.
So your all sorted then?

Mayeb we need a database/FAQ setup.

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