So what’s this 3DC Pro forum anyway?

Hopefully, the more free satisfied users the more potential PRO users! Congratulations for these download numbers <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>


PS: suggestion – maybe move the Scripting section to the 3DC Pro forum?

Glad you asked!

3DC was the #2 graphics/multimedia download at ZDNet yesterday. There are roughly 2500 downloads/day at peak times (the maximum was more than 10,000). That’s a lot of free users.

3DC has grown so much that it is no longer reasonable to provide extensive support to non-pro users. andquot;How do I?andquot; support is no longer provided for 3DC, but technical support is still provided via email (<!– e –><a href=""></a><!– e –>).

You, as a registered 3DC Pro user, still get access to me through this forum. In general I will not be reading or responding in the other forums. The exception being the Suggestions forum which I will read. And, you might see an occasional post from me in the other forums if there is a particular point I need to make.

Amabilis Software


I’ve moved it to the Pro section.


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