
I’m not exactly sure how this particular forum does it, but I would think that it is a tag of sorts, like an HTML or Meta tag. When you click on the Bold button you will see the bracketed tag andquot;andquot;(this is HTML) minus quotes. If you type : )(without the space) then you get <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –> etc. I’m guessing but I would say the smileys are icons/images that are called by either clicking the button or typing the appropriate symbols. You should be able to locate an HTML tutorial or other information about this on the web.


Sorry- a little off topic but I didn’t know where else to ask and it’s been bugging the Heck out of me.

I know you can click on the smileys here to insert into posts on this forum, but how does one normally do it?

I know how to do bold text etc, but I’ve never used smileys except on this forum, and I thought it’s about time someone enlightened me! – Is it done with metatags? – If so, how does everyone know which code makes what face?

[color=Green:2ybc0lkp][i:2ybc0lkp](feels a bit thick having to ask!)[/i:2ybc0lkp][/color:2ybc0lkp] ::)

Thanks Les for you help.
<!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>

It doesn’t look like the smileys need the []’s. They evidently get called either by the button being clicked, or by the characters that you type in, and then the smiley images show in the posted message.


Thanks Les, andnbsp;;)

Are you saying that I need to put the andquot; : )andquot; inside of andquot;[ ]andquot; ?


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