November 23, 2006
at 1:44 am /
Although I can animate a semaphore signal arm using the Animation toolbar and setting the number of frames to 3 (0, 1 and 2)and the animation works correctly in 3DC, the shape file created by the MSTS wizard only has two frames in the animation section (0 and 1). By copying and pasting the entry 0 as frame 3 the signal arm operates correctly in the sim.
How can I ensure that the wizard correctly writes all three of the required frames in the shape file?
November 23, 2006
at 6:14 am /
Sorry John, you have to stick out with 2 frames, the same as switch animation. Seems to be hardcoded.
February 3, 2007
at 8:41 am /
I have 3 aspect semaphore models in the TS File Library. I’m not an animation expert, but my impression is the ‘0’ position is ignored for some reason in the file conversion.
I set the animation keys this way:
0 = the arm at stop position in my graphic.
1 = arm vertical or clear position.
2 = arm 45 deg or approach position.
3 = arm stop position.
Export with the default animation box UNCHECKED.
Semaphore positions in the script should be:
1 = clear
2 = approach
3 = stop
Good Luck
April 16, 2011
at 7:34 am /
What is the best business animation software to get? I need to purchase good but friendly (i.e. relatively easy to learn and use) software to create modest animations for business, such as moving engine parts & vehicles, flow charts, etc. I have experience in non-animation graphic software, such as Adobe, Quark, and some others. What is the best program to get?