Selecting faces/points

Another easy way to select multiple faces with the cntrl button is to use orthographic views and then switch between the different view points.

When selecting faces on an object, I currently hold down the andquot;Shiftandquot; Key and drag the mouse around until they are all selected/highlighted in blue. andnbsp;If I let go of the mouse button or shift key, they unselect. andnbsp;Is there a way to continue selecting after you stop? Sometimes you think you got them all, but you missed one. andnbsp;This is especially important when texturing. andnbsp;Another time it is difficult, is when selecting faces on different sides of an object. andnbsp;Is there a way to stop, then start again? andnbsp;If not, would you consider providing a way to do this in the future, Richard? This is really only an issue with complex objects. andnbsp;But it is frustrating at times.


Here’s what I am talking about. I intentionally missed a few, so you can see. The areas in black should have been selected as well, but were missed.

Ian answered my question in another topic question… The andquot;Ctrlandquot; key in conjunction with the mouse button allows selection of more faces after you stop the first time. I will use the andquot;Ctrlandquot; key from now on.

Thanks Ian!

Next question – what’s the difference between the different cobinations?
andquot;ALTandquot; andquot;CTRLandquot; andquot;SHIFTandquot; andquot;SHIFT-CTRLandquot; etc… ?

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