Select two or more objects and move them together?

Thank you very much!

Is it possible to select two or more objects and move them together. For example, I have two groups of objects. I want to select the group and move the group without affecting the other group.

If the objects are in the same group, you only have to select one object and move it – all the other objects in the group will move with it.

Alternatively, right click an object in the heirachy tree and select group, or select hierarchy.

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How can I select the group and use the ‘Shift’ tool to move the group 2.5 meters?

Try this:

[UL TYPE=SQUARE][LI]Create a cube, a sphere and a cone from primitives
[LI]in the hierarchy tree, move the three objects into the same group
[LI]select one of the objects, then right-click the ‘Shift Selection’ tool on the Object Operations panel. Set the X value to 2.5 and press OK
[LI]Right-click one of the objects in the hierachy tree and ‘Select Group’
[LI]Left click the ‘Shift Selection’ tool on the Object Operations panel.

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