Problem with TSWizard

Thanks for reminding me I’ll try this approach.

All of a sudden transparency didn’t work any more with exports via TSWizard. After a lengthy search (again and again I’ve had troubles with ace converting, never knew exactly which the correct update for TSTools for a German installation was and I’m still having troubles with the drivers of the grafics accelerator and dx sometimes) I dicovered the culprit was the TSWizard this time. It wrote under shader names in the *.s file only ( TexDiff ) not as is necessary (BlendATexDiff). I’ve got no clue why it changed its behavior. Hints appreciated.

Hi Hannes,
which version do you use? I had similar problems with 3DC6.6 and reverted back to 6.5 and problems are gone.

I’m using 6.6 and I think you might be right in blaming 6.6; But I did my whole new model in 6.6 I don’t believe I can load it into 6.5, can I? The second problem is, in a flush of madness I deleted 6.5 completely from my HD even the downloaded files. How can I get a version 6.5 + update?

btw. seem to have a lot more troubles with exporting. I can’t make the interior visible at all even when I change the shader name and naturally MSTS doesn’t accept the files either it crashes as can be expected.

Just found that 6.5 is still available for download. I’m going to try to salvage as much as possible from my model.

If you ‘Compact All’ you should be able to load the model in 6.5. You might be able to do so without compacting but I would recommend compacting. Or alternatively you can export it to DirectX (x) and import it into 6.5.

I’ve added the export problems to my ‘list’ for 6.6.


I managed to load the model in 3DC 6.5, now I can export to MSTS and MSTS loads the model ok sofar. But there is one new problem I never encountered before: When in external cameramode ( key 2) I zoom near the model the model seems to vanish in parts then TS crashes and vanishes unusually quickly from the task manager. Every suggestion appreciated!

If you use PSP8 to create your files with Alpha Channels then the actual problem may be here.
PSP8 made a subtle change in teh way it saved Alpha channels which now makes then unuseable with the default MAkeAce program. TSWizard simple calls this program to create the ACE files.
The solution I use is to export the model without converting into the ACE files and then use TGATools2 to open the TGA files and export these as Alpha Channel ACEs.


That’s the reason I still use PSP7 with 3DC. And I never used the texture export of 3DC; currently I’m trying AceIt. Works ok sofar and one can chose the mip-level.
I found the cause for the crashes were to many objects in one group. I split the group and now it’s loading fine. Most problems solved with the exception of costum LODs. Although I follow the prescriptions religiosly I still get only crashes with MSTS. Well, one can’t have it all.

I’m not 100% certain but this should be fixed in version


have you tried Paul Gausdens Shape Viewer? This will give you some hints to optimize your LODs

yes I’m using this super aid every day. But concerning LODs: sometimes I can see the most strange phenomena (e.g. objects are displaced and their orientation is turned 90-� and their texures vanish or greyscaled) all these I can see but they don’t give me a clue what’s wrong.

Does the model appear to ‘explode’ at some opf the higher LOD’s?

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It seems that you must keep at least one of all texture types in a group, not just only polygon in a group.

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