
Hey Bill…

Sounds fine… Usually I use just enough noise to blend the bands you get when using a gradient… Works pretty good… Oh – and – I use the gaussin as well…

PSP has a thousand features to help… My motto save a copy and experiments…

Tools I use all the time – ‘3D Effects Inner Bevel’ – ‘3D Effects – Buttonize’ – ‘3D Effecs – Drop Shadow’ also play around with the ‘Lighten Darken Brush’…

Try to stay away from using solid colors without variation… In the real world – even a solid color apears with lighter and darker area’s… The lighten Darken Brush works magic in this area…

Good luck…



Thought I might add some noise to my NG freight car textures and want to solicit comments or advice before I screw up something.

Am using PSP 9 and it has ‘Random, Uniform, and Gaussin patterns’-�, a percentage setting and a monochrome check box. Experimenting with a small sample tells me that a Uniform or Gaussin pattern, in monochrome, at about 3 % looks pretty good. Does this sound about right to you guys?

Anything else I should know, such as when or when not to use it, or things to watch out for?

Thanks in advance, Bill

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