More simplifying…

I must be nuts… I love inputing those numbers… and it’s much harder to do in GMAX, IMHO

[span class=’ev_code_BLUE’]Excellent product, great price by the way…[/span]

Have you ever used Cinema 4D or most highend 3D modellers?

Would being able to [b:2f5dphbl]see[/b:2f5dphbl] what your scalling or rotating to be helpful to people instead of inputting values and guessing the outcome?

Would this also helpful if manipulating objects was more visual in general than numbers and values? [b:2f5dphbl]Click and drag operation [/b:2f5dphbl] I think it’s called.

I think this feature would also attrack more wannabee buyers (eg begginners to 3D) and more cash!

The control widget on the lower right of the edit window performs these operations.

Clicking and dragging on the pale triangles moves or scales and click/drag on the axis indicators rotates.

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