Missing Textures

I found that too. Its a new feature of v4.2 and the way to avoid it is to do a flood fill of the entire model with a bit of black, or whatever, before you start painting individual faces.

Back to the drawing board, or painting board in this case andnbsp;8)

Hullo all!

I’ve got the Deltic at the right length now (bloody thing was about 3 meters too long!!!), and it’s looking decidedly more ‘correct’ now <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>

I’ve retextured it all again but this time I’m getting an error about an object being partially or entirely untextured – problem is, I can’t see *what* is untextured.



Hmmm. Not exactly a andquot;featureandquot; is it?

Actually it is a requirement of MSTS. If you use 3DS Max you’ll have the same problem. In the previous version I just set everything untextured to the first texture. The problem is that with this method you might get areas of color that you don’t see in 3DC. So I made the decision that I should enforce MSTS’s requirement on the export.

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