
Hi Guys,

Is there away to make an object show at 200 meter to 1000 meter in the last version off 3dCrafter. So if you are in 200m off the object i don’t want to see it. After 200 meters i want to see it. I need it for Train Simulator 2013.


Hi Connor,

Sorry – this place is all but dead… I still work with the MSTS shape formats… I’ve found LOD’s very quirky… The way that is supposed to work is that you should make duplicates of the “Main” part of your model and then each LOD should be named with the the syntax of “Main.xxx” where xxx is the distance the respective LOD… So your hierarchy should have a “Main” Main.100″ “Main.300” or whatever values you desire… I’ve completed models with good LOD’s woth 7.1.2 – but – I’ve had issues with the later versions…


I just posted this on my blog. I hope it helps:

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