inspired by Les 2 (too?)

Markku_Myllymaki andamp; Les – Thank you both.
andquot;Wasting time ?andquot; ask my wife….. ]:( andnbsp;
oh well, back to the decorating…. <!– s:( –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" /><!– s:( –>

Just been wasting time and came up with these – I started with the ‘engine’ which I liked so I stuck the rest of the ship on….


wasted time? Not! I like especially the engine and the
composition (atmospheric!).
I need to get back to spaceship design…


I think those are great looking ships for andquot;just wasting timeandquot;!! I’m also pleased to have andquot;inspiredandquot; others. I think this might be a first for me…. ;D ;D

Everything I’ve seen posted in the forums so far has been excellent work, and I’m sure there will be lots more of it.

Thank you all for your comments, and keep up the fantastic work.. ;D


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