I’m Crap

Hi Athas

It does seem to take a while to get to grips with 3DC, do doubt it takes even longer with other modelling software.

I have found that the best way to learn is just to experiment and see what each tool does.

I have posted my latest effort – I can only get away with this by virtue of using a very small picture it is so awful. the smoothing etc is complete rubbish, but you get the general idea.

Have fun


I really am. andnbsp;I’m crap I can’t do what I imagine. andnbsp;I see people here who post models after a couple of weeks and there great. Honestly I don’t know how you guys do all of your models at all. andnbsp;I’ve tried all different routes to get what I want but I can’t seem to get anything worth while.

Take my last effort I tried to make a guitar. andnbsp;I got the basic shape of the box from a hollow exturde. Which I copied in the scene and then removed all the excess points to make a non hollow exturde to make the front and back faces. andnbsp;Then I used a squached cone shape to cut out the sounding hole.

But try as I might I can’t fit all these pieces together (With snap to grid on) to make a guitar. andnbsp;They fit together fine but how do I make them seamless?

If anyone has any ideas either of simple models for me to make (appart from ambiant shapes) andnbsp;let me know cause I’m really crap.

Btw If anyone knows how I can extrude a logo. andnbsp;(The one on my website could you let me know)

Thanks harold

I’ll try to post the model today (what little of it there s andnbsp;;D) when I get back from work. andnbsp;Yeah 3d text is cool maby extruding a vector would suit me better though If it was possible.

That’s the way i started out.Just keep pluging away.Then all of a sudden it will hit you.Also ask questions on here how to do something and get help from others.
Good luck,

Hi Athas,
You should post a pic of your model, you’ll get a few suggestions and ideas.
As far as your logo, have you tried the andquot; 3D Text andquot; tool? It’s pretty cool! 8)

BTW, anyone know why I have that black line where the slider usually is in the library? I don’t recall it beinf there before I re-installed 3DC.

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