Hierarchy and TSW

If you have used my engineer or animator plugins, you should skip the main_wheel_link identification in the TSW.

Also you must uncheck the generate default animation option at the end.

I need help. Please.
When I run TSW, in the step of part identification, when I choose the Footplate as the Main and the Underframe as Main_Wheel_Link, at the end a message appears:
No ‘Main’ group found. Unable to export project.
Thanks a lot.

River Plate

Are you running If not may fix the problem. There was a bug in earlier versions that caused problems such as this.


Yes. But I already solved the problem. I’ve made some tricks in the part identification, and finally I could pass. Now I have my model running in MSTS.
Thank you, anyway.

So did you have installed? Because if you did and the wizard failed I need to know so that I can fix it for the next release.


Yes. I have already installed. The main problem I found was, when I choose Footplate as Main (see Hierarchy tree), then when asked for Main_Wheel_Link, and I selected the Underframe, automatically changed the Main in the upper brunch, and the Main was missed. So the first Group I selected was Main_Wheel_Link (Underframe) and restart. The last time I choose the Main (Footplate)and solved the problem.

I didn’t totally follow that, but I’m glad you figured it out.


When I selected Rod01 as Main_Wheel_Link, I lost
all regarding to animation set by Paul+�-�s plugin.
Using the Undeframe as Main_Wheel_Link, each wheel maintain its independence and no problem with the animation set before.
Hope You can understand me.

Well… no but that’s probably my fault. I don’t know ‘everything’ there is to know about MSTS.


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