Heads textured

Thanks anyway KB, I’ve done what you said and still

It mentions something about file been deleted or something like that ??? at the top of the actual post….

bye andnbsp; andnbsp; Jay

Another try <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>

I couldn’t get the other one to load <!– s:D –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!– s:D –>

Well, it looks like none of them are loading ???

I keep getting this aswell andnbsp;NOTICE: If you had an attachment in your post, you will need to reselect the attachment again in the browse box for security reasons.
andnbsp; andnbsp; andnbsp;
They’re both gifs and below 80kb, so I’m not sure whats going on???

I’ll try again later.

Hello polybuilder,
After you enter the info in the browse window [select the picture] andnbsp;don’t click preview- just post. <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>

Thanks anyway KB, I’ve done what you said and still

I mentions something about file been deleted or something like that ??? at the top of the actual post….

bye andnbsp; andnbsp; Jay

Cool models how did you animate the eye like that
<!– s:oops: –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!– s:oops: –>

Animating the eye was a bit slow, but once done it was done. I if you look at the following posts you can see
how I done this, using the same model, this time animating the lips and jaw.

Very talented work! andnbsp;:D Best 3DC
face I’ve seen. andnbsp;Maybe you should do next
one with photo as reference, the proportions
seem to be a bit off. But I understand how
hard it is to get them just right, the modeling
is really *hard*.

Keep it up, you’re the best! andnbsp;;D andnbsp;;D

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