good DLL Compilers


exist there some full explained tutorials about plugin creation with interaction on objects
or could you say me which codes are used for objects



I’m wondering if Power Basic is a good Compiler for 3DC and Dark Basic Pro

becuse i want to make some animation analizer for dark basic and i need to know how to create some functions

For example
[pre class=’ip-ubbcode-code-pre’]
Function OneString(pat, fil, act, msg1, msg2, msg3, msg4, msg5, msg6)
Dim Tapp, Tstr, PatEx, FilEx, Fil2, Msg
If act = 1 Then
Set Tapp = CreateObject(‘Scripting.FileSystemObject’)
PatEx = Tapp.FolderExists(pat)
If PatEx = False Then
Tapp.CreateFolder pat
End If
Fil2 = pat and ” and fil
FilEx = Tapp.FileExists(Fil2)
If FilEx = True Then
val1 = 0
Do While FilEx = True
val2 = val1 + 1
Fil2 = pat and ” and val2 and fil
FilEx = Tapp.FileExists(Fil2)
val1 = val2
End If
Set Tstr = Tapp.CreateFile(Fil2, True)
End If
Msg = msg1 and msg2 and msg3 and msg4 and msg5 and msg6
If act = 1 Then
Tstr.WriteLine (Msg)
End If
OneString = Msg
End Function
Function LoadFile(Filter, Title)
LoadFile = Application.GetOpenFilename(Filter, , Title, , False)
End Function
Function InpBox(Title, Msg, Def)
InpBox = InputBox(Msg, Title, Def)
End Function
Function question(Title, Msg, Styl)
Dim Style, Resp
If Styl = 1 Then
Resp = MsgBox(Msg, vbOKOnly, Title)
End If
If Styl = 2 Then
Resp = MsgBox(Msg, vbYesNo, Title)
If Resp = vbYes Then
question = ‘YES’
question = ‘NO’
End If
End If
If Styl = 3 Then
Resp = MsgBox(Msg, vbRetryCancel, Title)
If Resp = vbRetry Then
question = ‘RETRY’
question = ‘CANCEL’
End If
End If
End Function


If it’s not exact plaese post it here



I looked at the features list on the Power Basic web page and I would say that it looks ‘promising’. It looks to me that you can build an automation server and use automation clients. Building a DLL is not that different from a normal .EXE, so I would think that this compiler should support it. (Haven’t looked)

Just asking and don’t mean to be rude – why would you want this Basic over Microsoft VB 6.0? Availability? Cost? Performance? Real Microsoft VB compiles into P-code which, I imagine, means a significant performance hit. If Power Basic produces a true executable, then I would expect speedups from 3-10 times.

Looking at Dark Basic, this looks like a true .EXE compiler which has wired-in support for DirectX 9.0 and lots of 3d functionality. Microsoft Automation is not explicitly mentioned.

For general code to do computation called within some sort of framework (like Amabilis), probably Power Basic is the better choice. Dark Basic is probably the sort of thing to write games.


HU! what about direct x i don’t understand it.


DirectX is Microsoft’s automation library for dealing with low-level aspects of graphics programming, including but not limited to the display of 2- and 3D objects, handling sound, game controller input, and so on. In conjunction with the device driver supplied by your video board’s manufacturer, DirectX provides a standard, hardware-independent programming interface.

The alternative would be to write your own driver for every different graphics board. Also, different graphics boards have more or less hardware (or firmware) functionality, for instance, shading may be done by the graphics board – if so, DirectX invokes the feature, otherwise it accomplishes the same thing with software. The details of how something is done is inside DirectX. As a programmer, all you do is use the the DirectX functions. Thus, if the hardware is supported by DirectX, your software should work.

In reality, if you have a poor device driver, your have, by extension, poor DirectX support.

The point of automation is to have easy-to-use standard libraries which you can use over and over, from a (Microsoft) programming language of your choice.

A conceptually similar, non-Microsoft low level graphics library is OpenGL.

I just bought an old Visual Basic version 5.0 professionnal for about 25euros on eBay.
With it it’s possible to build plugins for 3DC (I’m working on one)and have them compiled using native optimized code.(PCode is possible but would be slower).

I don’t know if PowerBasic or DarkBasic have the proper libraries to make automation dll and 3DC plugins.


question !

Is microsoft visual basic 6.0 a good dll maker for 3DC pro?

Exist there some sample sdk of plugins to understand how to use it?


vb6 is what I use for all my plugins.

There is a samples folder under the plugins folder that contains VB projects for some of the amabilis plugins that come with 3DC.

thanks paul

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