Funky normals / shading problem

Hi Richard,

That looks great!

Just wondering though, you speak of creasing on a face basis and on a point basis, but what about edges? andnbsp;(or is that the same result as points?) andnbsp;Intuitively it seems to make a lot more sense to crease an edge, sort of like when you build a sand castle and use your hands to shape the corners.


Hi all,

Any idea what would cause the effect in the screenshot below?

It doesn’t look like that in 3DC, but in MSTS you get this strange shading. andnbsp;Kind of annoying. andnbsp;The geometry is not too complex and I’m wondering why it looks like this?

Thanks for any advice.


Did you apply a Crease operation before exporting? It could help.


Good to hear things have improved. Creasing a subset of a model does make sense mathematically and otherwise. Unfortunately 3DC doesn’t do it quite yet. I hope to add it at some point, but it won’t be for 5.0.

Unfortunately I don’t have any really good suggestions for a work around except to segment the model. But that has negative effects also such as the possiblity of gaps appearing under some circumstances/viewing angles.


Yup, thanks Richard, that fixed it.

My next question is… you mentioned a while ago that the crease operation cannot be applied to individual edges, only to entire objects. andnbsp;

Is this a limitation of 3DC or is it mathematically meaningless in the first place? andnbsp;

I have an object where I want a crease to show up in a spot that is relatively flat, but I want the rest of it to remain smoothed… any way to do that?


I did a little bit of playing around with the Crease operation this morning and funny enough it turned out to be quite easy to do.

So, in 5.0 there will be the ability to crease the whole object, or on a face by face, or point by point basis.

The face by face method doesn’t seem too useful, but the point by point does.

The negative is that it slowed down the crease operation a bit. But not too much. Perhaps 10 to 20 percent slower for simple objects and 1 or 2 percent slower for large. I’d say it is worth it though.

I also wrote a new flatten operation this morning.

I attached an image showing both. The left image shows selected points being creased. The right a flatten of a sub section of an object.


OK, good luck finishing 5.0 and consider this a feature request for 5.1 <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>


Yes, edge creasing make sense. I’ll add it if I can (likely). Though I think it will work out to be the same as selecting the two points that define the edge. But from a convenience point of view it makes sense to support edge selection.


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