don’t know if there is a way to do this?

I have always used the method Richard describes. In fact, I was goind to reply with the same response when I originally saw this… but I got distracted. Sorry.

This method ‘assumes’ that your pivot point remains at the object’s ‘center’, BTW

don’t know if there is a way to do this?

i need to line up two objects using there axis points- so both axis points are right on top of each other. but as most people know, at least me, you can only view one objects axis at a time-simply selecting it. is there a way i don’t know about to line things up- BESIDES USING THE WORLD AXIS AND SETTING 0,0,0 ON THE OBJECTS. there needs to be a ghost type feature that would allow you to line things up and see more than 1 axis at a time.

just wondering because i have always thought of this as being annoying.


To do this you’ll need to right-click on the first object, select ‘properties’ and find its location. Then right-click on the second object, choose ‘properties’ and set its position to the same value. That’s assuming they are both children of the same parent. If one object is the child of the other than you just need to set the child object’s position to 0,0,0. (positions are relative to their parent’s position)


I often model with grid snap set with a large ‘snap to’ setting – 3dc default is (I think) .01, normally I use .1 but if I am lining up blocks, walls etc I might make it .5 or even larger.

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