Dividing Object once it is finished

Thanks for all your help Richard.

After completing a building and texturing it ….I now want to go back and move some supporting roof beams. andnbsp;How do I go back and divide the object into its initial components? andnbsp;I assume I will have to redo the textures ????

Two ways:

1) If you still have your object history you may be able to andquot;removeandquot; the merges from the layers list.

2) You could select all of the faces that make up a andquot;beamandquot; and andquot;cutandquot; them and andquot;pasteandquot; them.

I very rarely andquot;mergeandquot; objects since it is usually adequate to move them to the same group.


If I go back in the object history and remove the merges will this disturb the textures already applied? andnbsp;Thanks for your help and the tip about not merging. andnbsp; I don’t suppose it really hurts anything to leave them andquot;unmergedandquot; and it apparently doesn’t gain much to do a merge of all objects.

It may disturb the textures. It will depend on the model. You could try it and if you don’t like the results, don’t save or save as another name.


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