Bump Map not showing up in game?


Once again, thank you very much for your help!!! I’m still getting used to how very different from 3DC the RS engine treats the textures. <!– s:roll: –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes" /><!– s:roll: –> What you see is clearly not what you get.

So, thanks! I did have an alpha channel on the texture, but it seems it was too dark.



Once again I’ve hit a snag in RS.

I’ve been modeling a gondola in 3DC, using the TrainBumpSpecEnvMask.fx shader for the main shape. I’ve set up a bump map, spec map, and environment map in 3DC, all shows up just fine. The exporter builds all files like (I think) it should. Still, no bump map in the game, the textures are all flush and smooth. What could be wrong?

For some more information, here is the shader’s entry from the shape file:
[pre class=’ip-ubbcode-code-pre’] andlt;ShaderName d:type=’cDeltaString’andgt;TrainBumpSpecEnvMask.fxandlt;/ShaderNameandgt;
andlt;e d:type=’cDeltaString’andgt;textures[00]gondolaandlt;/eandgt;
andlt;e d:type=’cDeltaString’andgt;textures[00]gondola_nmandlt;/eandgt;
andlt;e d:type=’cDeltaString’andgt;textures[00]enviroandlt;/eandgt;
andlt;Name d:type=’cDeltaString’andgt;material5andlt;/Nameandgt;
andlt;CollisionSurface d:type=’cDeltaString’andgt;METALandlt;/CollisionSurfaceandgt;
andlt;VertexType d:type=’ref’andgt;364232824andlt;/VertexTypeandgt;
andlt;FrameAlphaMode d:type=’cDeltaString’andgt;ALPHA_MODE_NONEandlt;/FrameAlphaModeandgt;

The three textures are all there in the textures folder.

Could my settings of the material attributes cause this? I’ve got Diffuse 20, Ambient 40, Spec 1.

Thank you!

Do you have an alpha channel in the gondola.ace file?
This determines the strength of the environment map reflection.
No alpha means no refelection.

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