ATI 9200se 128meg video card?

Thanks for the help DOM107. I ended up with a 9200 256meg. So far it has been trouble free and beat the ATI RADEON VE 64 meg, I was running, hands down.

I’m considering a swap for a ATI 9200se 128meg viceo card. Does anyone on the form have this video card and are there any unresolved issues that are not resolved with the ATI RADEON update, noted by Richard, for this card? Thank you for your help.

The Radeon 9200 SE is around 2/3 the perfomance level of a 9200 (a 9200 SE is slower than a Radeon 7500)… but it is much cheaper than a true 9200.

My card is a 9000 PRO, a close cousin of the 9200 with higher core and memory frequencies. I don’t have any incompatibility with 3DC.

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