Ambient lighting value

Though I haven’t had to use it, I [i:q8fxopuz]think[/i:q8fxopuz] you can change this value to brighten or darken your objects. andnbsp;I would think so, anyway, otherwise there would be no reason to have a andquot;recommendedandquot; value?

In the early TrainSim tutorials I read (probably Ian’s) the suggested value is 20 for Ambient Lighting. andnbsp;Is that value changeable, or set by Train Sim? andnbsp;I think my stuff looks dark sometimes. andnbsp;Could I use a value of 30? andnbsp;What value do others use? andnbsp;

Thanks in advance. andnbsp;It is so much nicer to [b:11eg35mz]UNDERSTAND[/b:11eg35mz] what I am doing, rather than hack my way thru it! andnbsp;I appreciate the generous, and detailed help you guys provide here.

Got it, Paul. andnbsp;Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. andnbsp;I forgot about those. andnbsp;

What I found out to be important is that the object to be changed should be in its own group or it will get averaged with everything else by MSTS.


If you look in the 3DC help file, under Tutorials for MSTS, in the Materials section, it describes the what all the different values all 4 lighting effects can have on the exported model.



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