Alpha Texture problem in

Yes I use TGATools and MakeAce


Transparency textures are loading in 3DC, but are not importing into MSTS. I have redone the TGA file and masks but no luck.
Has anyone else experienced this? ny suggestions welcomed, no problems with textures experienced in


I had a report in a previous release that this was a problem, and thought that I had fixed it in

Can you send the problem model (and it’s textures) to <!– e –><a href=""></a><!– e –>?

franksandwell, download and install the and you will not have other problems with the alpha channale with msts, because the problem was fixed with the version <!– s;) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!– s;) –>

bye bye

Richard I’ll try first as Bremen suggests and then post results.
Thanks for help and suggestions.

Frank Sandwell

Problem still there in
Have emailed you with relavent files Richard.
BTW a poster on UKTS forums has experienced a similar problem.


That didn’t take long.I put an obvious bug into by forgetting that sometimes people specifiy translucency maps and don’t use TGA textures.

So what do I do to overcome the problem?

I suspect either wait for a new version or convert the 2 bmp’s into a TGA file with mask, then use the swap texture plugin to replace them in the model – Once you have the tga’s the plugin will only take a few seconds to run.

Sorry, I should have mentioned that a fix is coming. Probably this weekend.

This is now fixed, and will be in the next release. You manually convert your textures to ACE files, is that correct? Only TGA textures can automatically be converted by 3DC to ACE files with translucency intact.

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