That was it, after reading the sticky at the top of the page here, I got it working. Now to see why I can’t get this thing to load in MSTS…
I’m not sure if this is an issue with MSTS or 3DC… Has anyone else noticed that when you texture an object from the very edge of an ACE – there is a bleed over effect from the opposite edge of the ACE ??? For example – if you place an alpha’d wheel in the bottom left hand corner of an ACE – you get two faint lines remaining on bottom and left hand edge… You can remove these problem edges by inserting a black alpha’d line along the top and right edge of the same ace… It needs to be only a pixel or so wide to clean up the wheel… I’ve also noticed the same issue on – non-alpha’d parts – although – in this case it’s just a color issue…
Thoughts ???
Hi Scott,
It happens anywhere there is texture wrapping in 3D models. You may see the same thing in the shape viewer.
I had the same problem on my MS Flight Sim model.
Hi Paul,
Thanks – not too big a deal – now that I know how to fix it… It took me a while to figure it out…
I’m having a similar problem,
I’m using an alpha to create this curved edge for this car. I looks good in 3DC, but…
The alpha doesn’t show ON JUST THIS PART. All other alphas are working on all other parts of the car but the sides.. Do I need to retexture it, and not start at 0, 0 on the texture?
Different problem, no need to re-texture
Either you’ve not got transparency enabled in the material on export
or you’ve converted the TGA texture to a format without an alpha channel.
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