3DCrafter 9.2 Beta 2 is now available for download: Download 3DCrafter 9.2 Beta 2[/url:2iw84feb]
I have implemented a new navigation system that allows you to avoid using the Navigation Control, if you wish. Three new buttons have been aded to the edit toolbar for Orbin/Pan/Zoom. When one of these are selected, the navigation control will not be available, and selection will not be possible until selection mode is again chosen.
3DCrafter 9.2 can co-exist with 3D Crafter 9/8/7. There shouldn’t be any conflicts.
Since this is a beta release, please report all bugs on this topic. Thanks.
[u:2iw84feb]What’s New in 3DCrafter 9.2[/u:2iw84feb]
[list:2iw84feb][*:2iw84feb][b:2iw84feb]Pan navigation[/b:2iw84feb]
Click on a location and drag, and the location clicked on moves to the new location of the mouse pointer.
[*:2iw84feb][b:2iw84feb]Orbit navigation[/b:2iw84feb]
The orbit location is chosen by sampling what is in the center of the view, which is the area most likely to be currently being worked on.
[*:2iw84feb][b:2iw84feb]Zoom navigation[/b:2iw84feb]
Identical to the current zoom on the navigation control, but is "control-less".
[*:2iw84feb][b:2iw84feb]Zoom to extents[/b:2iw84feb]
Expand the current view to view the entire model
[*:2iw84feb][b:2iw84feb]Performance Improvements[/b:2iw84feb]
Performance has been improved approximately 15%
[*:2iw84feb][b:2iw84feb]C# Export Plug-in Sample[/b:2iw84feb]
A sample of a Wavefront OBJ exporter written in C# is provided.
[u:2iw84feb]Known issues with 3DCrafter 9.2 Beta 2[/u:2iw84feb]