3DC825 – X,Y,Z Locks don’t prevent SHIFTS (resolved)

Hi Richard,

It’s still way too easy to induce an inadvertant "SHIFT" – while texturing – even with the X, Y, and Z axis fully locked… The locks should prevent ALL movement – right ???


Do you mean it applies a Shift operation even though there is no movement allowed due to the X, Y and Z being locked? Or there are actual shifts?

Hi Richard,

Yes – it seems to happen most often – when I have the X,Y, and Z locked and I am selecting mutiple faces for a mapping operation… A minute "Shift" does appear in the objects history – usually out to like the 4th decimal place… I have to stop my selects – delete the shift – then start seleceting the faces once again… It happens quite often – maybe I’m dragging the mouse just a very small amount while trying to do the select ??? Either way – the locks really should prevent all movement – right ???


Well… that’s a hard one. Yes, I guess it should. There should be an exception for "all locked" that does not a apply an operation. Currently, an operation is applied, with an indication that all axes are locked.

I’ll see if there is something that I can do.

I’ll do some experimenting. I can think of one possible way to do this.

It turned out to be easy. But, a warning: this is the sort of change that often causes unexpected results.

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